Drs. Carlson and Colker walk through the process of collecting lifestyle information and early recollections through a live demonstration
Kern, R., & Gfroerer, K. (1996). Life-style, Personality, and Stress Coping. Individual Psychology: The Journal Of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice, 52(1), 42.
Shulamith Sakin-Wolf-M.A. L.P. received her B.A. in Art History/Spanish- Queens College, Flushing, N.Y. and her M.A. in Russian Literature/Language- New York University. Shulamith Sakin-Wolf is also a proud graduate of The Alfred Adler Institute, N.Y. and is presently a Board Member there. She has presented at the 92nd St. Y.N.Y.C., sharing her knowledge on Alfred Adler & Buddhism and Alfred Adler & Martin Buber-Kindred Spirits. Her publications include East-West &Beyond- Adlerian Psychotherapy & Buddhism (The Journal of Individual Psychology- 2003). She also has a private practice located in New York.
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