Roots of Contemporary Cognitive Theories in the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler
Most Adlerian theorists view Individual Psychology as the foundation for modern cognitive-behavior therapy. But most modern cognitive-behavior therapists rarely credit Adler or know much about his theory. In this webinar, John Sommers-Flanagan, author of Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice (Wiley, 2018) will present two short case vignettes, while engaging in a lively debate with himself over the similarities and distinctions of Adlerian therapy and CBT.
John’s Bio
John Sommers-Flanagan is a professor of counselor education at the University of Montana and author or coauthor of over 60 professional publications, nine books, and numerous video training with and Alexander Street Press. Some of his books, co-written with his wife Rita, include Tough Kids, Cool Counseling, (2nd ed., American Counseling Association, 2007), How to Listen so Parents will Talk and Talk so Parents will Listen (John Wiley & Sons, 2011), Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice (2nd ed., Wiley, 2012), and Clinical Interviewing (6th ed., Wiley, 2017). John is a sought out keynote speaker and professional workshop trainer in the areas of (a) counseling youth, (b) working with parents, and (c) suicide assessment. He has published many newspaper columns, Op-Ed pieces, and a recent article in Slate Magazine. His work has been intermittently featured in Counseling Today, the ASCA School Counselor magazines. John’s resource and opinion blog at receives approximately 12,000 hits per month. He is also co-host of the national Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. His most recent accomplishment is the production of a 7.5 hour professional training video with, titled: Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients.
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