Integrating Adlerian and IDM approaches to Supervision
Practical Application of the Integrated Developmental Model in Adlerian Supervision
Encouragement Focused Supervision PPT
A video presentation on clinical supervision. The presentation includes a review of three approaches to clinical supervision: the Developmental Model of Supervision, Adaptive Counseling and Therapy model as applied to supervision, and Adlerian supervision using the life style as a framework. A description of the use of family constellation, early memories, and the BASIS-A in Adlerian supervision is also provided. Finally, the presentation includes experiential activities and a discussion of the application of Adlerian concepts to supervision. (Video Length: 1:11:26)
Dr. Jay Colker and Dr. Jon Carlson started by discussing the following Adlerian principles: socially embedded, self-determining and creative, goal directed or teleological, growth model & striving for significance, and holism. Dr. Jon Carlson proceeds in talking about the four-step counseling process: establish relationship, investigate, promote understanding, and reorient. A small clip is shown demonstrating the relationship, assessment, insight, and then action. During this clip, Dr. Jon Carlson uses the method of early recollection. Dr. Jay Colker speaks on how to approach a client that is reticent through an Adlerian perspective and how to understand the context of assessment. In addition, he provides a description of birth order in a family.
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