Ramona Covrig
Ramona M Covrig, M.A. Psychotherapy. She is a Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology, North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. Her professional status is as a Trainer/Supervisor and Psychotherapist. She is the founder and President of Institute for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy, Romania (IPPA), offering training in Adlerian psychotherapy. She is an ECP Holder and ECPP Holder. You can learn more about her work and private practice at www.psihoconsult.ro
Ramona is author of "The psychology of infidelity: Handbook for survival". She is also a poet; her name as a poet is Maria Cernegura. She is author of one volume of poems (2015). Ramona has also translated the following books in romanian:
"Challenge in marriage" by Rudolf Dreikurs
"Time for a better marriage’’ by Jon Carlson
"Winning Teenagers Over in Home and School" by Francis X. Walton
"Winning Children Over: A Manual for Teachers, Counselors, Principals and Parents" by Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. and Robert L. Powers
"IPCW The Individual Psychology Client Workbook with Supplements by Robert L. Powers"
coordinator for "The Key to Psychotherapy: Understanding the Self-Created Individual" by Robert L. Powers and Jane Griffith