Tom Sweeney
Dr. Tom Sweeney is Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. His book Adlerian counseling and psychotherapy (2009) is now in its fifth edition and is reputed to be a classic text among counseling practitioners. In addition, Dr. Sweeney has had both training videos and a national award-winning telecourse, Coping With Kids, distributed worldwide by ACA and broadcast on local, state, and regional television. He has taught classes, workshops, and made presentations in this country and abroad on a range of topics including the theory and practice of Adlerian counseling and psychotherapy for work with individuals, families, and groups across the life span. Promoting social equality has been a guiding principle in his approach and work. Dr. Sweeney’s publications include books, monographs, chapters, nationally distributed educational media, and over ninety articles in nationally referred journals. He was listed among the top 5% of contributors to the American Counseling Association (ACA) Journal of Counseling and Development over a span of fifteen years.