A comparative analysis of the Early Recollection technique and the Thematic Apperception test |
Hagen, Susan D. |
1995 |
Dissertation |
Early Recollection techniquem Thematic Apperception test |
A comparative developmental study of object sorting |
Welti, Don |
1972 |
Dissertation |
A comparative study of psychological factors in pulmonary tuberculosis |
Andreychuk, Theodore |
1954 |
Dissertation |
psychological factors, pulmonary tuberculosis |
A comparative study of public secondary school counselors’ role in a seven state region |
Edgar, Thomas E. |
1965 |
Dissertation |
school counselors |
A comparision of the use of direct and indirect phrasing in personality questionnaires |
Ellis, Albert |
1948 |
Dissertation |
phrasing in personality questionnaires |
A comparison of IQ, educational attainment, and income level between first termers and recidivists |
Hirschorn, Steven |
1966 |
Dissertation |
A comparison of metacognitive monitoring skill among high IQ LD’s, low IQ LD’s, NA’s, and MMR’s in a federal correctional institution |
Berger, Roberta S. |
1985 |
Dissertation |
metacognitive, IQ, LD, NA, MMR, federal correctional, institution |
A comparison of performance on measures of recent memory in depressed inpatients with and without borderline personality disorder |
Cummings, Lynne B. |
1997 |
Dissertation |
memory, depressed inpatients, borderline personality disorder |
A comparison of socio-cultural characteristics and personality traits of cohabiting and legally married males and females |
Markowski, Edward Mel |
1973 |
Dissertation |
cohabiting, married |
A comparison of successful and unsuccessful bible college students with respect to selected personality factors |
Slayton, Wilfred George |
1965 |
Dissertation |
bible college students, personality factors |
A comparison of two methods of teaching mothers parenting |
Losoncy, Lew |
1979 |
Dissertation |
teaching, mothers, parenting |
A comparison of two models of group counseling in teaching communication skills to nursing-students |
Wingett, Wesley Raymond |
1975 |
Dissertation |
group counseling, teaching communication skills, nursing-students |
A critical analysis of the rhetorical strategies employed in the political speaking of George C. Wallance in the 1968 presidential campaign |
Freeman, Dorothy Elaine |
1981 |
Dissertation |
rhetorical strategies, political speaking, George C. Wallance, presidential campaign |
A critical analysis of the social formation program of minor seminaries in the United States |
Hart, Joseph Louis |
1965 |
Dissertation |
social formation, seminaries |
A cross sectional study of depressive symptoms in student nurses |
Thurn, Kay E. |
1993 |
Dissertation |
cross sectional study, depressive symptoms in student nurses |
A crossvalidation of Knox’s Cube Test |
Vlier, Richard S. |
2001 |
Dissertation |
Knox’s Cube Test |
Acta Genetica - Do parents want boys or girls? |
Dahlberg, G. |
1948 |
Acta Genetica |
Journal |
Acta Laryngolica - The core of stuttering |
Froeschels, Emil |
1955 |
Acta Laryngolica |
Journal |
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis [Warszawa] - Jerzy Konorski memorial address |
Mowrer, O. Hobart |
1976 |
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis [Warszawa] |
Journal |
Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Belgique - L’énuresie: Syndrome psychiatrique [Enuresis: A psychiatric syndrome] |
Dellaert, R. |
1950 |
Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Belgique |
Journal |