Dr. Mosak Adlerbiblio

Adlerbiblio is a unique project created by Dr. Harold Mosak with a purpose of helping Adlerian students, scholars, and practitioners to gain  broader exposure to and use of Adlerian literature. The project was completed at Adler University and with a lot of help provided by Dr. Mosak's students. In 2020, to ease an access to Adlerbiblio database and to simplify search, the entire content of Adlerbiblio was transferred to www.adlerpedia.org - a common database for "all things Adlerian". Adler University Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship (CAPS) has all the rights and responsibilities for Adlerbiblio database. With questions and comments, please e-mail CAPS Director Dr. Bluvshtein at mbluvshtein@adler.edu

Harold Mosak

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Title Authors Year Source Document Type Subject Terms
Acta Otolaryngolica [Stockholm] - The influence of vision during bodily rotation upon the duration of post-rotational vestibular nystagmus Mowrer, O. Hobart 1937 Acta Otolaryngolica [Stockholm] Journal
Acta Paedopsychiatrica - Dissozialität und Verwahrlosung. [Dissociality and neglect] Spiel, Walter 1988 Acta Paedopsychiatrica Journal
Acta Paedopsychiatrica - Zwischen “Hans im Glück” und “Superman”. Die Bedeutung der Märchen in der Kinderpsychotherapie [Between “Hans im Glück” and “Superman”: The significance of the story in child psychotherapy] Lemkuhl, Ulrike 1988 Acta Paedopsychiatrica Journal
Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica - Family constellation and male alcoholism Martensen-Larsen, O. 1956 Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica Journal
Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Hellenica - The centennial of Alfred Adler Nikelly, Arthur G. 1970 Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Hellenica Journal
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - Inmates of youth prisons compared with controls for family structure Johanson, E. 1968 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Journal
Acta Psychologica Taiwanica - Ordinal Position and the behavior of visiting the child guidance clinic Ko, Yung-Ho & Sun, Long-Chu 1966 Acta Psychologica Taiwanica Journal behavior, child guidance clinic, ordinal position, birth order
Acta Psychologica Taiwanica - The relationship between personality development and ordinal positions Ko, Yung-Ho & Lin, Li-Huei 1966 Acta Psychologica Taiwanica Journal ordinal positions, birth order, personality development
Acta Psychotherapeutica - Critical analysis of some concepts in present day group psychotherapy Bierer, Joshua 1959 Acta Psychotherapeutica Journal
Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica - Angst und Zwang [Anxiety and compulsion] Frankl, Viktor E. 1953 Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica Journal
Acta Psychotherapeutica - Psychological diagnosis of intracranial pathology after accident Friedman, Alice R. 1956 Acta Psychotherapeutica Journal
Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psychosomatica et Orthopädagogica - Transference in the light of Adlerian theory and its developments Bierer, Joshua 1954 Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psychosomatica et Orthopädagogica Journal
Acta Psychotherapeutica - Rorschach responses and treatment results under drug and group psychotherapy Friedman, Alice R. 1963 Acta Psychotherapeutica Journal
Actes des Journées Internationales des Centres Psychopédagogiques de Langue Français - Consultations pour parents et instituteurs [Consultations for parents and teachers] Hauser, Andrée 1954 Actes des Journées Internationales des Centres Psychopédagogiques de Langue Français Journal
Actes de Vème Congres Médico-Social Protestant, Montpélier, 30 avril-2 mai 1954 - La doctrine psychologique d’Alfred Adler et le respect de soi [The psychological theory of Alfred Adler and the respect for self] Chabas, Odette 1954 Actes de Vème Congres Médico-Social Protestant, Montpélier, 30 avril-2 mai 1954 Journal
Actes du Xiième Congres International de Philosophie Chabas, Odette 1961 Chapter in Book
Acting out: Theoretical and clinical aspects Abt, Leopold E. & Weissman, S. L. (Eds.) 1965 Book acting out
Acting out: Theoretical and clinical aspects Papanek, Ernst 1965 American Journal of Individual Psychology Chapter in Book
Acting out: Theoretical and clinical aspects Papanek, Ernst 1958 Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the International Association of Workers with Maladjusted Children Journal
Acting out: Theoretical and clinical aspects Papanek, Ernst 1962 Symposium die Internationale Pädagogie (Louvain, Belgium) Journal
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