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Title: Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie (2nd series) - Das Alter und die Behandlung alter Menschen aus der Sicht Individualpsychologie Alfred Adlers [Old age and the treatment of aged persons from the view of the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler]

Authors: Ackerknecht, Lucy K.

Date Modified: 11/12/2005

Journal Article Page Numbers: 97-112

Journal Article Title: Das Alter und die Behandlung alter Menschen aus der Sicht Individualpsychologie Alfred Adlers [Old age and the treatment of aged persons from the view of the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler]

Journal Name: Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie (2nd series)

Journal Volume: 6

Media Type: Journal

Year: 1981

Year Start: 1981

Year End: 1981

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